- Introduction : Definition of Jyotish, Two basic rules to became Astrologer, Law of Karma, Incarnation, Bhagya and Karma,
- Simple Astronomy : Astronomical representation of natal chart, Week days according to planets etc.
- Planets: Characteristics, Natural friendship, Temporary friendship, Fivefold friendship, Exalted and Debilitated signs of planets and degrees, the Mooltrikona signs and Own signs and their degrees , enemies of planets, Significators, State of planets (Avastha, Aspects of planets, Rahu - Ketu.
- Signs: Characteristics of signs, their nature, elements, even and odd signs, Male, Female, Dwipad, Chatushpad, Keet, fixed, moveable and mixed signs, earthy, airy, fiery and watery signs, shirshoday, prishthodaya and ubhayodaya signs.
- Houses of Horoscopes: The 12 houses, their significators, Kendras, Trikonas, Trik, Trishday, Apachay, Upchay.
- Key Planets : Key planets according to lagna chart and Rajyoga Karak planets in horoscope.
- Yogas : Four kind of combination and their applications in horoscope ( predictive technique to elaborate the horoscope). Wealth and Rajyogas By lords of Kendras and Trikonas.
- Other Yogas: Combinations formed by Sun and Moon Sunafa, Anafa,Durudhara, Kemdrum, Vasi, Vesi, Ubhayachari, Budhaditya yog, Gajkesari, Chandra, Mangal, Amala yog, Panchmahapurush yogas Ruchak, Bhadra, Hans, Malavya, Sas, Kalsurp, Pitri dosha.
- Miraculous Sutras: you can assume birth time, birth month, date of birth, tithi, Krishna paksha, Shukla Paksha, Grahan and many things just from birth chart.
- Analysis of Horoscope: Result of 12 Houses of Horoscope and Analysis of Yogas. Question of natives of various ages and prediction technique. Analysis of health, finance, education, profession, children, marriage.
- Analysis and use of Divisional charts especially detailed study of Navmansha.
- Transit: Use of transits for predictions, Effects of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu in transits, effects of Sadesati and Dhaiya and their remedies, favourable positions of planets, Predictions of transits by dasha.
- Matching of Horoscope for Marriage: Ashtakoot matching Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Grih maitri, Gana, Bhakoot and Nadi, South Indian method of matching, Mangal dosh and remedies, Mangal vichar by lagna, Moon and Shukra. Effect of cruel planets on matching, Determination of Health, Wealth, Children, Age, Bliss etc.
- Panchang: Uses of Panchang to find out Tithi, Paksha & Month, to know panchang of a day, increases and decreases of Tithis, Kshaya and Adhik maas, Names of twelve months of Indian calendar, Nakshatra, Yog, Karan.
- Muhurtha: Panchang Tithi, Types of Tithis Nanda, Jaya etc Nakshatras, Types of Nakshatras, Tara, Calculation of Nakshatras, Vaar, Hora, Yog, Karan, Bhadra niwas, Bhadra mukh. Maas - Adhimaas, Kshaya Maas, Declinations of Sun - North and South. The Sarvarth sidhi yoga. Muhurtha for marriage, Muhurt for starting a shop, Muhurt for entering a house, Muhurt for journey, Analysis of Setting of Venus and Jupiter, Instantaneous tatkalik muhurta, Chaughadiya, Hora kaal, Rahu Kaal.
- Analysis of Dashas: Position of Lord of Dasha in Ascendant, Relationship of lord of Antardasha with Lord of Mahadasha, Analysis of Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardasha. Dasha as timer of event.
- Remedies: Remedies for malefic effects of planets, Importance of Stones-precious and semi precious, Importance of Yantras and Mantras, Worship of Planets.
- Many experienced formulas for predictions.

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